Don't know any life but the city life, the glitz, the action, the frenzy.
Dreams of a quiet life but longs for more action.
Never contented with being in one place, always looking for something bigger and better. That's me.
The city girl.
Pardon this hodge-podge of hullaballoos, I can't be arsed to make a coherent entry as of the moment. :)
Saying Goodbye to Teen-hood
Yikes! I always thought that being twenty years old would make me--err, old. Now, only 2 days beforfe the "big 2-0", I don't feel any different. I still feel like I did when I started going to UST, the same as I felt when I started going to highschool. I know i'm different, I wouldn't be normal if I stayed exactly the same but what i'm saying is that it's notthat big of a deal after all. Twenty years isn't that bad. Especially since I've gone through a lot of ups and downs (no worse tha others, i'm sure) but i'm still standing. QUite proud, i must say. So, i'm nearly twenty years old. Bring it on!
American Idol
Boo!!!! I haven't watched Idol in a couple of week due to work. Psh. I'm glad Sanjaya's out and I think that Lakisha won't move on to the end as well. I am still expecting a Jordin-Melinda finals but I would be soooo happy if Blake made final 3. Needless to say, i still luuurrrvvveee Blakey boy. He does look like a trool--a little bit but he's my troll. Hehe.
I read all my past entries on this blog and it surprises me to no end that sometimes, i make complete sense! ';ve unearthed a lot of smart posts and i feel quite proud that i may be as smart as ai think I am. Lol. It's very therapeutic, following my life in blog entries. I can't wait to see what a nother 2 years of blogging would reveal to me. :)