Innocent in the City

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Don't know any life but the city life, the glitz, the action, the frenzy.
Dreams of a quiet life but longs for more action.
Never contented with being in one place, always looking for something bigger and better.
That's me. The city girl.


Fabulous People!


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Looking Back
  • September 2004
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  • March 2009


    Image: LOST
    Image hosted by : photobucket

    Weblog Commenting and Trackback by

    Sunday, April 15, 2007
    My little rant...

    I'm tired of feeling as though I have to defend my choices. And I hate that I have to feel like i'm of lesser value just because I choose something that is considered to be the easy way out. Guess what? There is NO easy way out. I hope that people stop being so judgemental and pretend that they know everything about everything.

    I spent 4 painful years of trying to battle the misconception that Communication Arts students are dumb girls who know nothing but pose and apply make-up. Now, I can't believe that i'm being put in a similar predicament--just because I took a job at a call center agency. I won't try to be all wise and mature, I also had prejudices againstc all center agents. But never had I ever thought to myself too good to be one. NEVER. I'm so disappointed that a lot of people are telling me that I could've done so much better, that I could've taken a more "intelectually challenging" job instead of a "dead-end" one. You can't imagine how my blood boils whenever I hear those words.

    There is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING in this world that is easy. Everything is hard on different levels and while a lot of people think that call center people just talk on the phone, it actually involves intellectual ability to get the job right. Surprise! *rolls eyes* We can't all be rocket scientists (or eventologists, whatever) and pardon me for taking the job which offered me the most amount of money. You can hang on to your "intellectually challenging" job and i'll hang on to my poor little job title and my fat wallet, si?

    I hate that I have to feel as though I have to defend my life all over again. I hate that I feel like I have to prove myself again--but I really don't mind that since I can actually prove my worth. And I am NOT gonna stay stagnant for long, but if I do decide to make call-centering a long time job, i'm going to make sure that I slap in your face the details of my progress. It's not a dead-end thing, mind you. Nothing is a dead-end. Again, NOTHING.

    Damn it. I hate being ruffled by stupid comments. I hate being looked down on and I hate annoying little people who doesn't know anything buyt think of themselves as better off than other people. Grow up!

    CITY LIFE; 1:38 PM