After Monday, March 4, 2007, we are home free. No more recitations, no more quizzes, no more sadistic professors, no more thesis, no more university! I still don't know how to feel about that, one part of me is excited but there's another part of me that's really terrified of being "out there". Although I absolutely loathe routines, I must admit that the student routine (go to school, work your ass off, get okay grades, work harder, get better grades, be happy) is comforting. It's scary to thing that in a few days, it'll all be over. What will I do then?
The problem is not that I can't see myself building a career, my problem is that I can see myself in every career possible that I can't choose just one. I know I lambasted my advertising professor in my last post but i'm still interested in the advertising industry. I am resigned to the fact that I don't have enough creative muscles to be a good copywriter but I do like the idea of being an accounts planner. Perhaps it's my love of the limelight that makes me think that I'd be a good accounts planner. I could totally see myself presenting IMC plan after IMC plan, jotting down recommendations and suggestions from clients, looking all intent and serious, maybe even standing up for the plan and not giving in to revisions and adjustments (lol! as if?!). That could be my life.
While i'm in the advertising career fantasy, I think i'd also be a great media planner. I've been the class media planner since our first advertising class. Scheduling and placing ads are great fun, trying to work with a specific budget tickles my math fetish and I like figuring out whether or not to use flighting, pulsing or continuous advertising..hmmm... That could be my life.
Or I could be a production assistant in a television outfit. Sure, it'll be hardwork and it'll be even harder for me since I absolutely hate sweating but I think it'll be interesting to be part of the team which makes shows possible. Of course, the pay isn't that high so i'm less likely to enter that field (unless we win the lottery and i don't have to work for money anymore. lol). Or maybe I could be a scriptwriter or concept developer. Then I could suggest shows which aren't overtly dramatic and overflowing with cheese. Maybe I could be the savior of Philippine television someday! I'll be known as the woman who changed the face of Philippine shows! That would be something, wouldn't it?
Or, I could go back to school and study law. I've been fascinated by the whole legal world ever since the first meeting of Media Law but if I become a lawyer, i'd only be a lawyer here in the country. I'd have to study a different constitution to be a lawyer elsewhere.
Or I could act on my frustration of being a teacher. I could take up extra education units so I could be an elementary or highschool teacher and then take up Masters Degree so I could be a professor. I would so totally be a great teacher. I'm patient and I like explaining and re-explaining stuff and i'm sure they'd love me! Really! (The problem of this plan is money. Can't go back and take extra classes unless I have money, can I? Sucks!)
I could go on and on but a thought came to me: I won't be able to act on any of these possibilities if I don't graduate. This week, we have a ton of requirements to be submitted, a music video, a documentary, a crisis simulation, a magazine and brochures (Desktop Publishing sucks!!!) and a couple more things that I won't mention because it would further remind me of the amount of hard work that I have to give out this week. For that matter, I shouldn't really be blogging... Eep!