Don't know any life but the city life, the glitz, the action, the frenzy.
Dreams of a quiet life but longs for more action.
Never contented with being in one place, always looking for something bigger and better. That's me.
The city girl.
This week, our group has planned to finish 3 case studies for our IMC class because it'll be our report next week and we want our account to be ultra fabbo! It's Monday and i'm in geekmode right now. I got panic-stricken so I passed up a trip to the mall to watch a movie with my classmates to do the strat of our case studies. Well, not brag or anything. I already finished one so I guess that entitles me to a break time of at least 30 minutes. Haha.
I just realized how much i've changed over the months (or years, if your being super observant). I'm not as vain as I used to be. I guess i'm more comfortable with myself now. That, or I don't pay attention because of everything else that's been going on. thing hasn't changed, though. I'm still a TV-holic! Unfortunately, I can't sustain my addiction since our Television broke down. It just shut off and it won't turn on again. boo-hoo..poor me! No One Tree Hill tomorrow night, then.