I just blinked and its Febuary already! I can't believe it, two months into the year already. Geez, where has the time gone? Summer is fast approaching (so is my birthday, April 25th people! hehe) and it's almost time for us to do our OJTs. It's scary, considering that we'll only have one more year before we graduate and get shoved into the real world. I'm excited to be able to experience life out of the university but it'll be hella hard, i know. I have to take care of myself and prove to the whole wide world that I am worthy of something. Heh.
...has started. I haven't seen anyone who strikes me as the next Idol but then again, they havent shown the top 24 yet. I'm rooting for the Chris guy and Taylor hicks, though. :) As for the girls, I really like Mandissa and Paris Bennet. They be coolbeans. Let's see. I promise to post what i think as the show goes on.
Valentines Day
...is finished. Didn't have a date, celebrated it by reading reading number 17 and 18 for our political dynamics class and not understanding most of it anyway. I didn't cringe this time. I think i'm finally starting to grow up. Or maybe i'm just way to busy to sulk and whine. It doesn't matter, i have my friends...and they love me every day of the year. They don't give me flowers or candy, though. Good thing i'm not fond of those things. ;)
New Layout
I'm working on a new layout for my bloggy-blog. It'll signal the end of my neglect for my precious space on the net. :) Hopefully, i finish soon. Will put it up ASAP. Don't hold your breath, though.
Ciao for now!