Innocent in the City

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Don't know any life but the city life, the glitz, the action, the frenzy.
Dreams of a quiet life but longs for more action.
Never contented with being in one place, always looking for something bigger and better.
That's me. The city girl.


Fabulous People!


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Looking Back
  • September 2004
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    Image: LOST
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    Saturday, April 02, 2005
    Rejoice! (No not the shampoo!)


    Well, it was our clearance day earlier and i'm really happy to tell you that I passed all the subjects! Yipee!!! You know, I was a bit scared that I might fail a subject or two because of the really scary professors whom we thought were great at first but turned out to be nasty! So anyway, i'm in a rejoicing mood because it's summer, my birthday's coming up (April 25th...don't forget..=P) and i am carefree!!! not. See, I still have to decide if i'll take summer classes for this Phil Gov't and Constitution (PGC) or if I should just load it next sem. I really want to enjoy this vacation and i think i can deal with an extra subject next sem. Hello? How hard can it be? (Reassurement and opinions needed)

    Birthday Blues

    Hmmm..let's see. My 18th birthday is coming up, I haven't decided on what to do for my birthday and I'm having a bit of trouble accepting that i'm already legal. Hmmm...maybe if i get enough greetings and gifts, i might just forget all my anxieties about turning 18...Haha..kidding(mostly =P)

    American Idol-itis

    Yeah, I have that erm, disease (along with VEA, GRACE, TIEPEE and LEN) and i'm a proud victim of that. I'm glad that Mikalah got booted off, i'm glad that Jessica said buh-bye (sorry, i just don't dig her) and well, Lindsey...I don't remember her at all...

    I'm on the side of Vea in thinking that Constantine rocks! :) BUT, I think that his charm is more powerful than his talent. I just hope that he picks the right songs to bring out his (ahem) talent. ANd he always keeps on staring at the camera in this weird he's seducing everyone who's watching. Well, it kinda works (on me) but it gets annoying at times.
    I think Carrie will go a looong way in the competition..
    She's really pretty and she's got a great voice...of course, it doesn;t hurt that Simon seems to be on her side and on her side only...
    Vonzell is okay...she could do better...MUCH better.
    Nadia is good but she's clearly not a crowd favorite so she might say buh_bye soon...
    As for Scott, i hate him. period. What's with the way he tilts his head up during elimination nights? I sooo don't want to see what's up his nose, thankyouverymuch! I hope he messes up. PLEASE mess up, Scott!
    I'm glad Anthony took off his glasses...for some reason, he kinda reminds me of someone who gets beaten up by bullies. Yeah, he looks a bit weak but he's okay, i guess.
    Bo Bice rocks! 'Nuff said
    And finally, Anwar... I used to like him... Used to. As in past tense. Lately, his performances are a bit on the boring side... Okay, a LOT on the boring side. So there...
    Did I forget anyone? Hmmm...I hope not. =)

    The End

    So, there...that's a pretty long post, huh? Well, i hope every one of us has a GREAT summer! and I hope i have a GREAT birthday and I hope I make the right decision about the whole PGC summer-or-next-sem thing. Soon!

    CITY LIFE; 6:00 PM