For my classmates, you guys know of my (ahem) hardships with an unwanted companion, right? Lately, i've been the target of yet another kaasar encounter with the laitera person whom I once considered my friend (clue: same person who told me I had zero social life). I arranged a get-together between me and a couple of my highschool friends. As usual, her radar picked up our plans and she invited herself. I was really trying my best to to ignore her but I guess I didn't do a good job (or she's just sooo kapal!) but somehow, she launched into her "LAIT MODE" and the target: Amery Celiza P. Acedo. She started with her usual "I-have-a-boyfriend-who-adores-e-and-you-have-NO-ONE" crap which frankly, is getting old FAST! It didn't affect me as much as before but when she usues that with her other statements (weight issues, etc.), I can't help but to get miffed. I really tried to smile and just ignore her but it's hard...
I'm not the type of person who'll lash out harsh comments for revenge nor am I the kind of person who'd take down every offense against me. I forgive fairly easily but I don't forget. As much as possible, I avoid sticky situations and I avoid harboring ill feeling towards another person. I love peace and harmony but obviously can't keep on taking crap forever!
Shobe and
Vea told me to shed off the goody two shoes attitude and bite back...I think its about time I do too. What do you think?!