Innocent in the City

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Don't know any life but the city life, the glitz, the action, the frenzy.
Dreams of a quiet life but longs for more action.
Never contented with being in one place, always looking for something bigger and better.
That's me. The city girl.


Fabulous People!


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My Multiply Site

Looking Back
  • September 2004
  • October 2004
  • November 2004
  • December 2004
  • January 2005
  • February 2005
  • March 2005
  • April 2005
  • May 2005
  • June 2005
  • July 2005
  • August 2005
  • September 2005
  • October 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • February 2006
  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • January 2008
  • March 2009


    Image: LOST
    Image hosted by : photobucket

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    Wednesday, October 20, 2004
    Tribute To My Friends...

    It's so nice to have friends who'll stick by you through thick and thin. It's nice when you know you have someone to depend on and speak with when problems arise. Well, I'm lucky I have friends who are ready to knock sense into me (by force if necessary...LoLz), who are ready to lend me a shoulder when I feel like crying and to offer me support when I feel like giving up. I met my most wonderful and dependable friends in college.. not that my elementary and highschool friends aren't like that but since my present friends know exactly what I feel when I feel it, they can comfort me when I need comforting...getz?!
    My elem/highschool friends are equally special to me. Whenever I think of them, they remind me of the times when we can freely roam around after classes and gossip amongst ourselves and be kids. They remind me that I can still be child-like while in college. They remind me that I am a kid and I am appreciated as me-- a kid.
    It's nice to see friends whom I haven't been in contact with for a very long time...It's even nicer to hear their voice and know that they still remember li'l ol' me.
    Friends are often taken for granted and I must admit that I do disregard them and I don't give them the attention and acknowledgement they deserve...sorry bout that. =D
    I know it's better to say this in person but this is a start...
    Thank you for always being there when I need you guys.
    Thank you for never givingup on me.
    Thank you for always making me laugh.
    Thank you for making me dream.
    Thank you for bringing me back to reality.
    Thanks for the jokes.
    Thanks for the advice.
    Thanks for the constant reminders.
    Thanks for supporting me...
    Just thanks...for being there.
    From my YM buddies who are constantly online and knows a lot about me, to my already abroad friends who take time e-mailing me, to my blockmates who are ever so supportive, to my highschool friends from LCC who always make me smile, to the angelicum people who are a big part of my life to my long-lost friends whom I have found again...Thank you...
    I feel blessed, that's all...
    Thank you

    CITY LIFE; 8:19 PM