Innocent in the City

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Don't know any life but the city life, the glitz, the action, the frenzy.
Dreams of a quiet life but longs for more action.
Never contented with being in one place, always looking for something bigger and better.
That's me. The city girl.


Fabulous People!


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Looking Back
  • September 2004
  • October 2004
  • November 2004
  • December 2004
  • January 2005
  • February 2005
  • March 2005
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  • July 2005
  • August 2005
  • September 2005
  • October 2005
  • November 2005
  • December 2005
  • February 2006
  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • January 2008
  • March 2009


    Image: LOST
    Image hosted by : photobucket

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    Tuesday, October 19, 2004
    Ranting Mode...*Ouch*

    Got up on the wrong side if the bed this morning..uh...afternoon. I don't see how anyone could be in a good mood after falling off the bed. Yep, I fell off the freakin' bed and my body's achin' (well, duh?). My mom came rushing in my rooms after she heard a crash and when she saw me on the floor, she LAUGHED and worse, she even called my Dad and they laughed at me together... They never even bothered helping me up. Their humor puzzles me sometimes. I get my Dad because he's really weird and I'm used to his wacky ways but my mom really baffles me. She's not the type who laughs a lot...heck she doesn't take jokes very well especially when its on her. But on certain days (days like this, for instance) she cracks up and starts laughing out loud. Sheesh! She just exploded in laughter without asking me if I was hurt (I still am...ouch!) and kept on laughing for about 5 minutes after. Even before she stepped out of the house, she gave me a look and giggled. GIGGLED!!! She NEVER giggles!

    Maybe I should feel flattered that I made my Mom laugh. At my expense but counts for something right? that I think about it, I must've looked funny back there. My face all smushed against the floor...Where are the cameras when you need 'em?

    I still remember a part of my dream though. It was weird. I remember walking along unfamiliar halls with a lot of students so I'm assuming I was in school (what school, though?). So there, I was fumbling along the hallways and I didn't know anyone so I kept my head down (unlikely!) and quietly(!) made my way in a room. The professor handed us each a jar of worms and told us to count 'em. Mine broke and wham! the next thing I knew, I was face down on the floor...

    Sheesh! Something good better happen today! I soooo want ice cream!
    I have a feeling that today's not my day...

    CITY LIFE; 12:35 PM