Saturday, October 02, 2004
An essay filled day...
Well la-di-da i'm still alive!
I've been awake since 4 a.m. because I was thinking of my english papers....
I even dreamt of our professor..("Miss Amery Celiza Acedo, is this the best you can do?????")
So i was in front of the computer as early as 7 a.m. and turned it off at luch time..
One word to describe this weekend...CRUMMY
I have been working non-stop on my papers and i've been studying for my finals...
I'm hoping that all my HARD work would pay off....
I hope i pass Science...hehe...and Filipino....
Come to think of it, it's so weird that i'm havig problems in Filipino...I know how to speak Filipino (though not that good...)
What the heck is wrong here?
I'll just study REALLY HARD i guess..and hope for the best!
After finals i'll just hang out with my friends...i'm also thinking of going to our integration ball...
you think i should?
So many choices...
My blog isn't THAT crummy is it?