So far, today has been an annoying, nothing bad happened, there hasn't been any accidents, and i haven't fallen off my bed again...(heehee). It's just that as soon as I opened my eyes, I just felt like being cheesy. I'm llistening to mushy songs right now and i'm craving for strawberry ice cream and a bit of chocolate (i don't usually like chocolates). What's worse is that I don't have any idea why I'm like this? It could be because of a dream but I can't remember the dream I had last night, it could be because of something I read but I read Taltos last night ...hmmm...
I'm a big cheeseball this fine saturday morning...We have only one more week of vacation and my mom finally said that we would be going to the beach! I haven't been to the beach and i'm certainly looking forward to that.
Maybe I could invite a couple of friends as well...whatcha think?
So there...I'm still cheesy but i'm hoping that i'll get out of this phase as the day goes on...
Have a great day everyone!
Enjoy the sem break!