Don't know any life but the city life, the glitz, the action, the frenzy.
Dreams of a quiet life but longs for more action.
Never contented with being in one place, always looking for something bigger and better.
That's me.
The city girl.
Honestly, it's killing me--not being able to talk. because aside from being a hobby, talking is my main source of communication. Everyone puts into words what they want to say and you respond. easy as that. BUt because of this wickedly painful mouth sore, I am reduced from being an active part in a conversation to be being a bystander, looking in on the exchange of ideas happening. And it's killing me!
My mouth sore is conveniently located right smack on the side of my tongue where my teeth and braces are most protruded. So rest assured that I will always keep my mouth closed for the utter fear that I will accidentally bite my tongue and make my sore worse...
Grrr...What a week!