Don't know any life but the city life, the glitz, the action, the frenzy.
Dreams of a quiet life but longs for more action.
Never contented with being in one place, always looking for something bigger and better.
That's me.
The city girl.
I'm still in the process of getting used to our new schedule. Let me tell you, i'm not doing very well adjusting. Our classes start mostly at 3 pm and ends at 6 pm or 9 pm. I'm completely missing my siesta (afternoon naps) and of course, i don't get to watch the shows I enjoy watching (especially Knock First). On the up side, I get to watch the morning replay of CSI on AXN. I can't believe I'm still talking about TV shows when I'm supposed to be trying to be a better student (right, Grace?).
On the subject of the new schoolyear, I have a bit something to say about our new subjects/ professors. Of course, these are just my preliminary opinions and they could change in a snap. We haven't really met all our professors so i'll be offering a brief description of the subject and the professor.
Literature. Under different circumstances, I would've loved a 3 hour Literature class but now, i'm having my doubts as to whether I am cut out for loooong discussions about classical literature. I mean, I like reading and I enjoy stories but 3 hours? Thats double our old schedule (1 1/2 hours). I hate to be mean but our teacher isn't very lively. She's okay..she knows what she's talking about and she's really knowledgable about the subject matter but thats hardly enough, is it? Let's see...
Scriptwriting. I think i'll love this subject. Although I already forgot how our prof looks like, I think i'll be attentive with everything he'll be saying since I really want to learn more about writing manuscripts...I have a lot more to learn so Im excited!
Filipino. SCARY! We're supposed to apply the Filipino language in different disciplines... He looks so strict but I think he'll be considerate. I honestly think I should study HARD! Maybe I'll start blogging in Filipino...My head hurts thinking about the volume of our readings. STUDY MODE ON for this subject.
Spanish. Again, under different circumstances, I would've loved a 3 hour language class. I have always had a penchant for learning new languages as my mom has done but this will be the first time that i'll actually have lessons. The professor just say that he's quite a character. He's old (I have nothing against old folks)...can I say *too* old? He told us a lot of stories and get this, he checked the attendance of 33 students for almost 3 hours! It would've been hilarious if we hadn't had the headaches from his looooong stories (about his life) and we would've laughed and shrugged it off if we hadn't had stiff neck from starining to look at him as he spoke to the students at the back of the room...
Advertising. This is going to be soooo much fun. I like the prof, and I think i'll like this subject. Never mind that its on a Saturday, a day supposedly for sleeping all day and surfing the net all day long...
More updates on our new life soon. =)